Human Capital

Human Capital

About Human Capital Development (HCD)

Human Capital Development (HCD) is the primary development agenda of improving an organization's employee performance, capabilities and resources. It is also defined by food security, health and education.

  • locals filtering rice grains

Food Security

Kaddra-Farm Inc. organization is dedicated to restoring food security in four communities in Gblenleh-Dixian Chiefdom through local production and our community empowerment program. Kaddra-Farm Inc. partner with other local farmers with the aim of helping them to use Hybrid crops that can produce more both for food and for sale.


The sensitization workshops on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Coved-19, Ebola and Monkey-pox raised awareness of the community population for the symptoms, effect and control measure of such diseases. Kaddra-Farm Inc. provided expertise of nursing team from government on the workshop at Ro-mankeneh community.

  • medical check up of a lady lying on bed

  • local children


The construction of a vocational school in one of the community's ( Ro-mankeneh) is a good idea by building the capacity, which Kaddra-Farm Inc. is willing to take the challenge. It is therefore planned to encourage other surrounding communities for enrollment.

Supporting Infrastructure Construction

Kaddra Farm's plan will be focused on supporting the rehabilitation/construction of three public infrastructures in four communities. These are:

(a). Fielder Roads

(b). One Primary School

(c). Water and Sanitation (Water- Wells and Toilets facilities)

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