
Donate Today

Help us build a storage facility for seeds protection from theft, pest and humidity

Start a fundraiser to benefit Backyard women gardeners in communities today

We are asking a few of our key partners to rally their friends, family, and networks to support our work. By becoming a fundraiser for KADDRA Farm INC, you will help more Backyard women gardeners in communities., and you'll help your friends feel good about doing good.

Starting a fundraiser is easy to do, and it's fun. We'll even give you all the tools you'll need to make a difference. With your help we can ensure Less economic stress to single mothers that care for children and family.

Click The Link For Donation
  • children raising their hands up

The aim of this campaign is to help raising funds in fighting against hunger and poverty. That is why Kaddra Farm organization plans to organize groups of farmers in the communities with the idea of helping the backyard women gardens to use Hybrid crops for high production that will serve more both for food and for sale. We launched a bold strategic plan with local organization in Sierra Leone (Every-Body most Farm) to increase our capacity for enough food production.

You may mail your donation to ( Kaddra Farm Inc. 80 Saint Josephs Ave 1, Staten Island New York 10302, or to the Website. Once received, we give you a receipt of your donation. Donations are tax deductible. If your contribution exceeds $250.00 please provide us with your name, mailing address and occupation.

Click The Link For Donation
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